Your PSTN switch-off questionnaire

Traditional landline numbers on copper lines won't exist by December 2025. If you have a landline and will still need it after December 2025, now is the time to find the right alternative solution for your business.

Fill in the information below and hit submit. We'll work out the best solution for you and get in touch.

Membership details:

Member number: Trading name:
Contact name: Contact number:

Premises details:

Landline no.: Address 1st line:
County: Postcode:

How do you use your current line:

What do you use the line for? (Tick all that apply)
How many handsets do you currently have?
How many calls does your office need to make at the same time?
Do you have Wi-Fi issues at this property?

Your AF Telecoms Team

01603 881 909